Dhikr has two meanings:
1) Remembrance
2) Reminder, statement, mention.
Dhikr Allah can then have four meanings:
1) Remembrance of Allah (by us)
2) Remembrance by Allah (of us)
3) A reminder or message coming from Allah
4) A reminder or message about Allah
In the Qur`an when dhikr is used by itself, its primary meaning is the reminder or message from Allah, including the Qur`an and earlier revealed books. But when it is used as a phrase like “dhikr Allah”, its primary meaning seems to be the remembrance of Allah by human beings.
One form
of dhikr allah is tasbih
or glorification of Allah. The Qur`an says that everything in the universe is
busy in the tasbih of Allah:
The seven heavens and
the earth and all that is in them glorify him and there is not a thing but
declares his praise. But you do not understand their glorification. He is truly
ever forbearing, oft forgiving. (17:44 )
This means that the whole
universe is like a huge masjid, in which dhikr of Allah is going
on at all times. This includes even the bodies of all human beings[1].
The only place where the glorification of Allah is not going on is the
consciousness of some human beings and other similar beings. But at some
level even human beings are "aware" of Allah:
And consider [O man]
your Lord brings forth from the children of Adam from their loins their seed
and makes them testify to themselves -- “Am I not your Lord?” They say:
“Yes, we bear witness (to that)” – lest they say on the day of resurrection:
“Verily, we have been unaware of this.” (7:171)
This declaration that
Allah is the Lord, which every soul has made to him, is buried deep in our
subconscious mind. The purpose of revelation is to bring it to our
consciousness, so that we live by it and consciously join the rest of the
Creation in the glorification of Allah and obedience to him. This is why the
Qur`an often calls itself dhikr;
e.g., in the following verse:
And this is a blessed dhikr that We have sent down; are you going to deny it? (21:50 )
The Qur`an is dhikr
because: a) it is a reminder of the declaration that every human soul has made
that Allah is its only true Lord; b) its main message is that we should
remember the one and only true Lord; c) its main concern is to help us remember
When our consciousness
starts to do dhikr of Allah, then we have adopted the way of al-islam
and we have become Muslims. Al-islam and doing dhikr of
Allah is therefore essentially the same thing. The Holy Qur`an says:
"Is he whose breast
Allah has opened for al-islam and who is consequently (walking with)
a light from his Lord (like the one who is deprived of al-islam). Then woe unto
those whose hearts are hardened against the dhikr of Allah. Such are in
plain error. Allah has sent down the best of hadith (word,
statement), a book with inner harmony and diversity.
The skins of those who fear their Lord shiver from it. Then their skins and
their hearts soften to the dhikr of
Allah. Such is the guidance of Allah. He guides therewith whom He pleases, but
whomever Allah leads astray has no guide.” (39:22-23)
In these verses, first
there is the mention of those whose breasts have been opened by Allah for al-islam and who are as a result given a
nur or light to walk with. Then there is the mention of those
whose hearts are too hard to remember Allah and who are therefore in dalal.
This means that al-islam and dhikr
of Allah go together. Where there is dhikr
of Allah there is al-islam and where
there is absence of his dhikr there
is absence of al-islam. Also, the
verses make it clear that the purpose of the Qur`an is to incline us to the dhikr of Allah.
In the following verses
it is even more clearly stated that the absence of dhikr Allah leads man away from the way of Allah (al-islam) and to the way of Shaytan:
And whoever turns
himself away from the dhikr of the Most
Gracious One, We appoint for him a devil (shaytan) to be his associate. And (these devils)
turn them away from the way (of Allah) while they think that they are guided
aright. (43:36-37)
If turning away from the dhikr of the Most Gracious One leads one
into the hands of the devils, doing his dhikr
keeps him safe from them. For one of the most important form of dhikr – salah – the Holy
Qur`an says:
"Read what is
revealed to you in the Book and establish regular prayer. Verily, the prayer
stops one from indecent and disapproved acts. But verily, dhikr of Allah is greater and Allah knows what you do."
One may say that there
are people who are not religious and do not do any dhikr and yet they lead reasonably good lives, avoiding serious
sins. But if we examine the hearts and minds of such people, we will find that
at some level they are aware of Allah. They believe that they are accountable
for their actions, not just to the society in which they live but to some
higher reality.
The words “dhikr
of Allah is greater” cannot mean that dhikr
in some form other than salah, e.g. doing tasbih, is greater
than salah, since salah is the highest form of dhikr, combining all other forms
acceptable to Allah. An acceptable interpretation of the words is that dhikr of Allah includes more than prayers:
it includes all that one does in accordance with Allah’s will, revealed in his book
and through the authentic Sunnah of his Prophet. But probably the best
interpretation is that dhikr of Allah
has many other greater blessings than helping one to avoid indecent and
disapproved acts. Let me mention some of these additional blessings of dhikr.
Remembrance of Allah, of
course, brings us close to our Creator. But it also brings us close to our own
"And be not like those who forgot Allah and he made them forget their own souls. Such are the transgressors." [59:19]
It is implied in this
verse that those who remember Allah also have awareness of their own selves. In
this positive form the idea is similar to what is expressed in a saying attributed
to the Holy Prophet: “He who has come to know his own self has come to know his
Lord ( man ‘arafa nafsahu fa qad ‘arafah rabbahu)”[2].
A priceless blessing of
the remembrance of Allah is that it brings inner peace. In fact, it is the only
source of peace:
The Unbelievers say:
"Why is not a sign sent down to him from his Lord?" Say: "Truly
Allah leaves to stray whom he will. He guides to himself those who turn to him
in sincerity. Those who believe, and whose hearts find peace in the remembrance
of Allah and beware it is in the remembrance of Allah that the hearts find real
peace. (13:27-28)
The Qur`an tells us that Allah
also remembers those who remember him:
“So remember me and I
remember you. Give thanks to me and do not be ungrateful." (2:152)
The part about dhikr in this verse can be understood in
two ways:
1) You remember me (just
as) I remember you (all the time). This meaning is consistent with the verses
which tell us that Allah does not forget anything (19:64, 20:52 ),
that is, remembers everything at all times.
2) You remember me; then
I will remember you, that is, Allah’s remembering man is a result or reward of
man’s remembering him. This meaning is also valid within the Qur`anic thought,
since it is stated in 9:67 that Allah forgets those who forget him (see also
7:51, 20:126, 32:14, 45:34): if
Allah’s forgetting man can be a result of man’s forgetting him, then Allah’s
remembering man can also be a result of man’s remembering him. In this case, Allah’s
remembering man is his turning to him in mercy and forgiveness and Allah’s forgetting
him is to withhold from him that mercy and forgiveness.
The Qur`an says that men
of understanding are those "who remember Allah standing, sitting, and
lying down on their sides (yadhkurun allah qiyaman wa qu'udan
wa 'ala junubihim)" (3:191). Since we are either
standing or sitting or lying, this means all the time. But how can we remember
Allah all the time? Do we not work or have some fun or play with children? Do
we become like monks, doing tasbih all the time? The
answer is, No. It is possible to remember Allah all the time and yet live
fully. For remembering something means being aware of it and awareness has many
levels. You can be aware of something while doing something else. Thus when you
are sitting in a masjid, you are not all the time thinking about masjid
but still at some level you are aware that you are in the masjid. If you
are working at home and other members of your family are also present, you are
aware of their presence and sometimes even while working you are aware of what
they are doing. We can be even sleeping and yet our mind may be registering
what is going on around us. In the same way, we can be aware of Allah while
doing other things.
If we spend part of our
time in doing dhikr Allah with our
conscious mind, then for other times we can be aware of him even if we are busy
with something else. Thus if when I sleep I say, as recommended in ahadith: bi
ismik allahumma ahya wa amut (in your name, O Allah, I
live and die) and in this way entrust myself to Allah, then the whole night my
mind may be aware of him at some level. Then when I wake up I pray fajr
and take a few minutes to look ahead at all my day’s activities -- going to
work or school or taking care of some of my needs and some of my family's
needs, including need for some fun. If for each activity I consciously make the
intention or niyyah that it is in accordance with the will of Allah,
then while I am engaged in those activities I will be aware of Allah at some
level. This intention is very important. With this intention even secular
activities become religious and a means of Allah's remembrance and spiritual
blessings. Without such an intention, even religious activities such as looking
after a masjid or teaching or
learning Islam become secular, with
little spiritual benefit.
Thus if we consciously do
dhikr allah for part of our time, then for the rest of the time we would
be aware of him at some subconscious level. We therefore need to know what are
the ways of remembering Allah at the conscious level.
Whenever we make a
conscious decision or intention to do something or not to do something because
Allah and his Messenger (sall
allah ‘alayh wa sallam) have commanded/recommended it or
prohibited/discouraged it we are doing conscious dhikr.
Another form of dhikr Allah at
the conscious level is salah:
"Lo! I am Allah.
There is no god except me. So [O man] serve me and establish salah for my
remembrance." (20:14 )
But believers are expected to spend some
more time in conscious remembrance of Allah than performing the five obligatory
prayers. The Holy Qur`an says:
"O you who believe! Remember Allah with much
remembrance; and glorify him morning and evening." (33:41-42)
"And remember [O
man] your Lord in your heart with humility and fear and with words in low voice
in the mornings and early evenings late afternoons and do not be of those who
are unaware." (7:205)
"And remember Allah
much, that you may be successful." (62:10)
Ahadith suggest many ways of doing dhikr at the conscious level. They
mostly consist of performing salah on nafl or non-obligatory basis or repeating some parts of the salah.
Salah has the following parts:
Tasbih -- declaring that Allah is above all
imperfections, e.g. in the form subhan allah
-- expressing Allah's praises, e.g. in the form al-hamd lillah
Takbir -- expressing Allah's greatness, e.g. in the form allahu akbar
Tashahud -- declaring oneness of Allah and the risalah of Muhammad (sall allah ‘alayh wa sallam)
Istighfar -- seeking forgiveness from Allah,
Salah ‘ala al-nabi --
honoring the Prophet (sall allah
‘alayh wa sallam) and praying for increased blessings of God on
Tilawah al-Qur`an – reading the
So you can choose certain
times in the morning and/or evening etc and regularly read the Qur`an and/or perform
nafl prayers and/or repeat a certain
number of times words like:
subhan allah
al-hamd lillah
allahu akbar
la ilaha illallah
la ilaha illallah wahdahu la
sharika lah,
lahul-mulk wa lahul-hamd wa huwa `ala kulli sha`yin qadir
subhan allahi wa bihamdihi
subhan allahil 'azim
some form of istighfar
some form of blessings on the
Prophet (sall allah ‘alayh wa sallam)
The Holy Qur`an tells us that whenever
possible we should stay in the company of those who do dhikr. This will make it easier for us to do dhikr and also increase the blessing of dhikr:
And persist in the
company of those who call upon their Lord morning and evening seeking his
Countenance and do not turn your eyes away from them desiring the attractions
of the life of this world. And do not obey him whose heart We have made to
neglect Our dhikr, who follows his
own whims and desires and whose affairs (deeds) have gone beyond bounds."
(18:28 )
By: Dr. Ahmad Shafaat
[1] That the body and
the person who possess it have different relationships with Allah is suggested
by the following verse:
day (is coming when) their tongues, their hands, and their feet will bear
witness against them as to what they used to do. (24:24)
[2] This hadith is rejected by most Hadith scholars as falsely
attributed to the Holy Prophet. At first sight it seems to be expressing the
same idea as the Qur`anic verse, presenting the other side of the same coin:
The hadith talks about knowing while the Qur`an talks about forgetting. The
Qur`an says that those who forget Allah forget their own selves while the
hadith says that those who know Allah know themselves. But there is a subtle
and important difference. In the Qur`an the emphasis is on remembering Allah,
which leads to self-awareness while in the hadith the emphasis is on knowing
oneself, which leads to knowing Allah